Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane Demo Farms

Event Calendar



Cover Crops, Bugs and Beer

The Biological Farmer Friends Field Day will showcase cover crop seeding equipment , information on a new fall plant cover crop option, and a bug study looking at army worms in cover cropped and non-cover cropped fields.

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Mastermind Dinner with Annaliese Wegner, Modern-Day Farm Chick

Farm women juggle all the things that come with farm life, doing what they can, when they can. Raise your hand if you forget to take time for yourself and dive into what inspires you and brings you joy?

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Yahara Pride Farms Twilight Meeting

The Yahara Pride Farms Twilight Meeting includes a Poker Run to check out various in-field conservation practices and equipment. Following dinner there will be a presentation on soil compaction.

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